Monday, September 10, 2012

On Humility

I have really been learning a lot in humility the past couple of weeks. More specifically, I have been learning to acknowledge the truth that I need to be humble; I'm a very prideful person!

Fortunately I came across Mark Altrogge's full 22 Ways To Humble Ourselves. Some of them include
- Contemplate the infinite greatness of God
- Contemplate your complete inability to control a single thing in this life
- Confess your sins and temptations to God and others
- Be quick to listen
- Cultivate thankfulness
- Pray
- Serve others
- Rejoice when others are promoted, praised, or honoured

Some quotes that I've taken in church from my pastor also help me remember to put first things first. These help me in pursuing humility, so I'll add them to the list.

- If you doubt the goodness of God, look to the place that Jesus died.
- No pit is so deep that God isn't deeper still
- Remember, "What do I deserve?" and "What have I been given?"
- When you carry out your mission on your strength, your strength will fail you
- Where is God's righteousness in the gospel? God's righteousness IS the gospel!
- For every look of shame, take 10 looks to Christ
- GRACE = God's Riches At Christ's Expense
- Success which inflates the natural man humbles the man of God

What would you add to the list?

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