Is there such thing as The One?
We see Ted pondering that question in this episode, and since it is a recurring theme we will get to this series I don't mind skipping it for now and focusing more on Robin's dilemma.
I appreciate where the show went with Robin's side-story. She was really disliking her job and questioned her worth as a reporter, doing "fluff-pieces" that wouldn't really be considered news. As a way to rebel she takes on risky dares for monetary incentives.
Sometimes we tend to put our worth in the job we have. Where can our hope, our purpose, be found if not in our vocation? For Christians it is in a God we can trust. Like biblical Joseph, a sad situation is meant for good, no matter how dire things may look in the beginning.
And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose. - Romans 8:26
Rather than just quit, it will be good to see Robin persevere through the fluff-pieces as she brings out stories from ordinary citizens. We all have a story to tell.
As for The One, we will keep getting back to that question. Personally, the person you marry is the one, and we'll see if Ted makes this same conclusion in later episodes.
As for The One, we will keep getting back to that question. Personally, the person you marry is the one, and we'll see if Ted makes this same conclusion in later episodes.
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