Thursday, March 15, 2012

What's On?

It is a good time for television. Some are winding down, others are returning, and others are so new I haven't even seen the trailer yet. Here are a few shows this year that you may want to check out.

How I Met Your Mother
Status: season ending
I can still remember the very first episode that I caught by chance, and I was hooked. The style was so fresh, so new, and yet the formula for sit-coms remained. I have always stated that HIMYM is to our generation what Friends was 20 years ago. Described as "a love story in reverse," the show follows Ted and his four best friends navigating their early thirties as he tells his children about (spoiler!) how he met their mother. Similiar issues and topics considered tabboo when Friends aired is brought up now, only amplified. I would say this is not because the show is bad (read: naughty), but reveals our societal selves.

The cast is contracted for 8 seasons, which would be a convenient time to begin wrapping things up now and finish it off with a bang next year. My idea for a spin-off is still on the table, How I Met Your Father, in which the mother details her own dating life while highlighting any crossovers from this show.

The Walking Dead
Status: season ending
I credit my brother for getting me HOOKED on this show. I was home for a short time and he says, "hey watch this show," and I'm all, "no man, this looks stupid." "Just watch the first episode." Four episodes later I start watching the rest of the season.

Here's the thing about #WalkingDead: In a time when glittery vampires and hairy werewolves were all the rage, my bro introduces me to a world overcome by walkers (because apparently no one on the show knows what a 'zombie' is). AMC does what it's best at here; telling an amazing story. Although the first season had very little Resident Evil-ness to it in terms of gunfire and explosions and minimal deaths (RIP horse), it did a great job in keeping us invested in the people and their situation. It also makes me question every week how prepared I am should a Zombie Apocalypse ever happen.

Mad Men
Status: returning this season

After a long hiatus figuring out contracts, etc, (audiences don't ask why a show gets post-poned, we ask when is it coming back) the show is returning for its 5th season. AMC does storytelling really well with this show too, I actually think that it is the drama genre version of what PIXAR can do with animation.

I'm hesitant to promote this so openly, because of the values so prevalent in the series, but when you watch it through a historical lens it really gives insight to the 1960s. It's not so surprising, since we are seeing more shows explore the other areas of that and other eras (Pan Am, The Playboy Club, and Bomb Girls all attempt this with varying degrees of success).

Status: Returning season

I've given high praise to this show in the past and I think for this post it's worth mentioning again as the second season is gearing for summer (filming begins April in Toronto!). Never have I seen such a unique character pairing on television, ever. I really value how the two main characters complement each other in almost everything.

On one hand we have Mike, a college drop-out genius (photographic memory times a million) who is working to get his shot at becoming a lawyer instead of a petty thief. He has a good heart and good intentions, with his biggest weakness probably being relationally-challenged. He over thinks and worries too much about what people may be thinking!

On the other hand is Harvey, the best legal closer in the city. He too has a good heart, too bad it is buried deep underneath his pursuit for success. Both these guys have solid integrity, only it's displayed in different ways and that's part of what makes the show work so well.

His Story (aka Before A.D)
Status: pending
Ever wanted to know about Jesus' life before his ministry years? We know about his birth, and that time he got separated from his parents and preached at the temple, but what about his teen years? Did the Lord of Lords have zits and BO? This show will follow the life of Jesus as he grows and develops an identity in himself. Christians and non-Christians may enjoy seeing seeing events and characters foreshadow what is already depicted in the gospels.

I would show you a trailer, but one doesn't exist (yet?) as this is just my personal idea for a show. TV Producers take note!

That's all, folks. What do you think, would a Jesus show work? Planning to catch any of the others I mentioned? Sound off in the comments or tweet at me, @ponate

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