Thursday, November 22, 2012

Belly Full of Turkey

Happy Thanksgiving, America! Here is a turkey-related episode just for you today.

This episode we see a glimpse of Marshall's giant family. Not the size of the family, more so the size of each family member.

The interesting turn was when little surprises started popping up about what Marshall and Lily planned on doing for their married life. It seems that neither had communicated to the other as to what they wanted to do, especially with raising a family.

Do they stay in the city or relocate? Does she take his last name or keep it? How many kids do they want to have? These are all questions that most likely should have at least been discussed prior to their engagement, and yet thrust at them at a family gathering. Awkward.

But this show is nothing if at least a little awkward. Hold out for the end, because the love birds decide to make up their own decisions of how to raise their family.

Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh. - Genesis 2:24

One of the biggest changes for a newly-wed couple is paving their own way. I remember Boy Meets World did an excellent job in addressing the transition with Corey and Topanga, with the practical challenges of finances and fear of failure.

Change is scary sometimes, sure, but there is always something to be thankful for. 

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