Monday, February 11, 2013

Snowstorm? Snow problem at all.

Toronto received a blanket of snow following a week of extreme wind chills, and right when you thought that we'd slip right into spring.


I'm all for the saying, "better late than never," but I don't think this should be applied to snow after Christmas. Here's the deal: snow is simply a nuisance.

Yes, sure, it's wonderful in December when the Christmas lights are out and carolers are out and about. But after Christmas, it's just horrible. Here are a few reasons why.

Causes accidents
We're talking car crashes, bus halts, even skiers beware.

Salt ruins clothes
With lots of snow comes great heaps of salt. We salt our driveways but at the expense of our shoes, pants, jackets and the rest of them.

It's time consuming
How many hours are stolen from us by having to shovel our driveways, especially if it's round the clock.

It's dangerous
Everyday when you're walking down the street, everybody that you meet, has the potential to slip and fall and break something!

It's expensive
Businesses losing a day's worth of productivity because their employee's can't make it in. And working from home? I'm still waiting on the stats about that, even it is voted best workplace preference. Not to mention the city having to shovel the streets, that costs some serious coin!

The only ones who snow benefits are people under the age of 12, because they are innocent to the realities of the hits our economy takes each winter. Snowmen, snow angels, snow forts, snow ball fights, snow races, the fun feels infinite.

But maybe you still think that all that pain is worth it, and you wouldn't trade snow for anything. If that's you, you belong in Canada :)