Really it's just a teaser for the upcoming Academy Awards, as the Globes are made up of eighty-odd people who make up the Hollywood Foreign Press, voting for their favourite films of the year.
When you pack a room full of celebrities you're bound to have some great moments. And great moments there were! Below are some I thought worth mentioning:
Tina Fey and Amy Poeler
They were hilarious together as hosts, and so quick to come up with such wit. Both were nominated for their TV shows, and although neither won it their antics alone (Amy cuddling with Clooney) should have been reason enough to give them the award.You can read some of their quotes here.
Tommy Lee Jones
The "Tommy Lee Jones Is Not Impressed" meme broke out as a result of Will Ferrel's and Kristen Wiig's amusing attempt at presenting awards, pretending that they have seen the nominations when they hadn't really. Or maybe they actually hadn't really. Either way, I didn't actually think it was that funny, and clearly neither did TLJ.
Technical Difficulties
That awkward pause when Paul Rudd and Salma Hayek are presenting an award and the teleprompter doesn't feed them their lines. Fortunately they're actors and can improv their way out of it. Oh, wait... They were off the hook, though, having the two best smiles of the night came in handy.J-Law
She had me until her poky joke grenade in her acceptance speech. Not that it wasn't funny - it was -, or that Meryl Streep can't take it - she'd love it -, it's that she's too young to say it. I think that had she been in the profession for a longer period of time, she could have joked without coming off as too proud. There were many young actresses attending that night, and it's important for them to stay humble.Jodi Foster Acceptance Speech
One of the most confusing speeches I've ever heard, and yet I would say one of the most important ones. I can't say what was going through Foster's mind as she was up there. From a strategic communications point-of-view, I was fascinated by the whole episode. I think to better understand the speech, let's take a step back and look at the bigger picture. Jodi Foster was born into acting, and as difficult as it was for her had maintained a "reasonable" amount of privacy during her child star years (compared to so many child actors who turn out, not so well). Some may forget that she starred with Kristen Stewart in Panic Room, and this past year alone had embarrassing scandal with Stewart's personal life. I think yes, it should have been polished, but also more important was the message behind the medium of privacy. With regards to privacy it was very important to keep that in perspective because of all the young talent that were in attendance (Lena Dunham from winner 'Girls' is a prime candidate).What were your favourite moments from the Golden Globes? If anything, this really makes me look forward to the Oscars!