Saturday, January 19, 2013

New Year Hustle

So we are more than halfway through the first month of 2013 - how are your resolutions going?

With the exception of Travel More, I haven't made any sweeping declarations of what I wanted to accomplish this year.

Fortunately I follow people who approach these issues head-on.

My favourite funnyman Jon Acuff has come up with a great way to approach goal-setting for the new year. Using his method of focusing on 7 core life areas, I'm going to try and attain a certain degree of equilibrium.

I'm sure I can try this for a few months. Kudos to Jon for giving me a starting point with some of these areas!

Bring my lunch to work 4 out of 5 days each week.

Get 8 hours of sleep 6 nights every week.
Work out 4 nights every week.

Participate in an active activity at least once a week.

Read the first three pages of the Globe and Mail each morning.

Read up on every product and service my company provides.
Update my LinkedIn profile and increase connections by 10%. 

Exercise generosity with each member of my household once a week.

Cycle through Proverbs, one chapter a day.

Some are a bit broad, while others are very specific. I will return to this page and update my progress - examine what works and tweak any adjustments.